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What is the Calgary Underground Film Festival(CUFF)?

Founded by Brenda Lieberman, the Calgary Underground Film Festival (CUFF) has become a cornerstone for independent filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts over the past 22 years. What started as a platform to showcase unique and gritty films not typically available in mainstream theaters, CUFF has grown into a vibrant festival celebrating independent cinema from all genres.

The Festival’s Mission

CUFF is dedicated to films that stand out due to their uniqueness and independence. This year the festival will feature around 40 films. These films range from horror, comedy, documentaries, etc. Most of these movies are independent made.

The festival will have around 60 filmmakers attending from all over the world. The festival not only provides a platform for these films but also supports filmmakers by promoting their work.

How do they pick they movies?

The festival’s film selection is a meticulous process.

This year, the festival received 1200 submissions through FilmFreeway, a popular platform for filmmakers to submit their work to festivals. CUFF’s team selects films from these submissions and also includes films from other major festivals like Sundance and TIFF.

Their goal is to blend works from both emerging and established filmmakers to create a diverse and compelling lineup. Impressively, several films have already sold out, highlighting the festival’s popularity and the audience’s enthusiasm for fresh, independent work.

Special Events

CUFF is not just about film screenings. One of the festival’s unique events is the Saturday Morning Cartoon Party. This features a three-hour marathon of retro cartoons paired with rare cereals from Montana and a variety of milk options (including lactose-free and oat milk).

Another highlight is the 48-hour movie-making challenge hosted in partnership with NU TV, where participants create short films within two days to be showcased at the festival.

What does the Future of CUFF?

Looking ahead, the organizers aspire to encourage more independent filmmaking in Calgary, Alberta, and across Canada. They aim to see the festival continue to grow, bringing more unique and independent films to the forefront of the cinema scene.

A Community of Film Lovers

What makes CUFF particularly special is its ability to bring filmmakers and audiences together.

Filmmakers have the unique opportunity to see their audience’s reactions in real time and gain valuable insights into their craft. This immediate feedback is crucial for any artist looking to hone their skills and connect with their viewers.

The Calgary Underground Film Festival remains a pivotal event for filmmakers who produce remarkable films on limited budgets. It’s a celebration of creativity, a glimpse into the future of cinema, and a vibrant community event that brings together film lovers from all walks of life. Whether you’re a filmmaker looking to break into the industry or a cinema enthusiast eager to catch the next wave of film talent, CUFF is the place to be.

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