Odd posters have been making their way onto Calgary bus stops following a boycott against Loblaws.

The Reddit Group
They’re apart of a growing online movement, r/loblawsisoutofcontrol. This is a subreddit dedicated to calling out the unethical business practices of loblaws as well as other food retailers.
Alongside the subreddit comes e-4974, an online petition to call upon the house of parliament to address concerns about the cost of living, especially regarding essential goods, that are “particularly impacting low and middle-income families, persons with disabilities, and fixed-income households”
The Demands of People
– Implement strong anti-trust laws to prevent monopolistic practices in the food retail sector, including a rigorous scrutiny of mergers and acquisitions with the goal of ensuring they do not lead to increased market concentration;
– Explore the possibility of implementing price controls or other regulatory mechanisms to prevent excessive price gouging on essential food items; and
– Mandate Loblaws and Walmart to sign the Grocery Code of Conduct, and provide definitive, tangible consequences for refusal to sign.
The full petition can be found here: https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4974